The most recent Tweets are at the top. I don't have the time to go back and find all the dumb shit this clown said from the past few days so this will have to start now, the afternoon before Game 3.
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@MarkMaddenX |
Mark Madden 8:54 am 6/6
@ChrisAtkins tweeted "@MarkMaddenX are you capable of admitting you were wrong yet? 11 periods, 2 goals. Again, you are the #clownact. #accountability
Marks response "Does it matter? Why does it matter so much to you? Isn't that a bit obsessive?"
Best responses on Twitter:
@rwmulvey "he's a fuckin squid. Clown act. Mediocre. Average. Hysterical. Pens in 5 Max. Ya ok pal."
@beantowndleelee "is a complete buffoon. Not only were his comments about Rask disrespectful but showed he knows zip about hockey" and "obsessive would be continuing to demean Rask's efforts instead of admitting your buffoonery"
Mark Madden 12:20 am 6/6
Rask played very well. I think the goalpost should get a star, 2.
Why it's dumb: I've said it a million times. Rask has amazing positioning and its not all "luck" that the Pens keep hitting the post. Rask is playing masterfully.
Mark Madden 11:50 pm 6/5
All the response to what I've said during the week in two cities- Bos&Pgh - shows you how you HANG ON MY EVERY WORD. Thx!
Why it's dumb: Last nigh Mark was so proud that everyone in Boston hates him and is giving him shit for his dumb comments. He thinks he's the man. the response below sums up my thoughts to a tee.
Best response on Twitter: @fastGman said "Enjoy it, it all ends Friday when we sweep you and you go back to your moms basement"
Mark Madden 8:56pm 6/5
Bruins are overwhelming Pens. Rask is a non-factor. He could be a shooter-tutor.
Why it's dumb: Ummmm newsflash bro. Rask made 53 saves last night. You're wrong about Rask.
Mark Madden 8:06pm 6/5
Every day you wake up I'm disappointed
Why it's dumb: someone tweeted at MM "Everday day I wake up and thank God I'm not from Pittsburgh and have to listen to Mark Madden" This was Mark's response. Asshole.
Best response on Twitter: @hashtag_colin said "real classy joking about death"
Mark Madden 9:30am 6/5
JetBlue pilot making fun of Sid needs to realize: He's working for the Natty Lite of airlines. Strictly bush-lg. I'd rather go Greyhound.
Why it's dumb: JetBlue is easily the best airline I've ever flown. Easily. Same with most people i know. US News Travel ranked Jetblue #3 in 2012.
Best response on Twitter: @wyshynski said "JetBlue as Natty Lite? You've either never flown JetBlue or never had Natty Light"
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